a transformative vision

A deep connection with customers is built on brand relevance and trust. This fragile relationship is precious if achieved, yet easy to lose.

IHB helps you deliver the right message, to the right individuals, at the right time, on their most personal device. We are a robinhood for your programmatic inhouse buying team.


People who are more receptive to your offers are more likely to convert. IHB integrates a wealth of consumer data to enable precise audience targeting.

Demographics including age, gender, language, country of origin, household income, home location, and more


including age, gender, language, country of origin, household income, home location, and many more

App usage across 390 categories including business, entertainment, health, lifestyle, music, news, politics, sports, travel, and more

Content usage

across 390 categories including business, entertainment, health, lifestyle, music, news, politics, sports, travel, and more

400+ Interests validated by thousands of measured interactions per user

40,000+ Interests

validated by thousands of measured interactions per user

Behavioral patterns such as time, place, and duration of app use; activity across apps; conversion history, and engagement patterns

Behavioral patterns

such as time, place, and duration of app or web use; activity across apps, web and TV; conversion history, and engagement patterns

Individual device IDs including device type, manufacturer, model, operating system, and carrier

Individual device

including device type, manufacturer, model, operating system, and carrier

Location across the globe or pinpointed to within 0.5 miles (0.8 kms) – even by venue


across the globe or pinpointed to within 200 Feets – even by venue


IHB takes programmatic in-house buying to the next level. It’s built on the latest Open RTB standards and combines real-time consumer intelligence with real-time bidding. IHB allows you to participate in live auctions, within 100 milliseconds, that reach your optimal prospects. The platform is available on our secured scalable cloud and for large enterprises we offer deployable solution on their cloud accounts.


IHB offers all the advanced features you'd expect in an automated media investment platform, and more:

Measurement by cost-per-click or cost-per-impression
Measurement by KPIs and Business Goals
Media selection across 390 precise categories
Media selection across 390 precise categories or cherry pick your publishers
Varied ad types and context — banners, rich media, video, or native
Varied ad types and context — banners, rich media, video, audio or native
Geo-location across hundreds of countries or a few hundred yards — even by venue
Geo-location across hundreds of countries or a few hundred yards — even by venue
Scheduling by day, time-zone, and time-of-day
Scheduling by day, time-zone, and time-of-day
Real-time bidding via OpenRTB
Real-time bidding via OpenRTB
Inclusion and exclusion of over- or under-performing groups
Inclusion and exclusion of over- or under-performing groups
Bid management — cap your spend by impression, click, time-period, campaign, or other means
Bid management — cap your spend by impression, click, time-period, campaign, or other means


IQM offers incredible transparency. Your campaign and budget are optimized in real time, and you get detailed, actionable, performance data to help you adjust. You’ll know your most, and least optimal:

  • Media groups across 5.3 million apps
  • User interest groups
  • Device ID profiles
  • Creative versions and messaging
  • Audience demographics
  • Campaign delivery times
  • Audience locations
  • And more

Armed with this invaluable insight, you’ll make smarter, more profitable decisions on how to modify your campaigns, media investments and ongoing retargeting efforts.

ease of use

The most powerful, sophisticated technology in the world can go unused if you don't know how to operate it. So we've made IHB simple, intuitive, easy-to-deploy, and easy-to-use.

We've masked the complexity, hidden our algorithms, and connected a fragmented ecosystem.

So all you have to do is...

Define your campaign
Define your campaign
Upload your creative
Upload your creative
Target your audience
Target your audience

Leverage the power of IHB

IHB is focused exclusively on mobile. We’re building the technology, data, partnerships, and ecosystem that will enable the future.

Request a Free Demo

About Us

IHB offers a unique programmatic In-house platform that integrates a wealth of consumer data and an expansive ecosystem. This ensures your media investment is relevant, timely, respectful, and unduplicated.

In-house Buying by IQM Corporation

315 West 36th Street,
9th Floor,
New York, NY 10018
support@iqm.com +1.212.476.5245